LSUMOA presents A Panel Discussion on the Queer Experience

On Friday, September 1, 2023, the LSU Museum of Art held a panel discussion during their FREE opening reception of their two newest ehibitions, “Reveal: Photographs by Jerry Siegel” and “The Shaping of Us: Queerness in Ceramics.” The panel discussion included dialogue about gender identity and social constructs by speakers: Heather Mae Erickson, Greg Williams, Jr., Danielle Simone Boutté, and facilitated by Shannon Walsh.

As a queer artist, especially someone who has been photographing and documenting exhibitions at LSUMOA for the past 5 years, it was reassuring to be a part of these two exhibitions. I litearlly cannot think of a time in my history with the museuem where the queer experience was given this much space. It was special to be able to come together and hold space to discuss our experiences as a marginalized community and to also celebrate the victories and things that keep us moving forward.

Thank you to the team at LSUMOA and thank you to the incredible panel for your experience and insight.

Please enjoy some photo highlights from Friday’s opening reception, and you can find the full gallery of photos below.

Charles Champagne

capturing moments, curating experiences, and creating community.

RENT at Theatre Baton Rouge


The Queerative Market at the Baton Rouge Pride Festival